• mom playing with baby
    Mom Life,  Self-Care

    20 Funny Mom Quotes That Will Bring Some Joy To Your Day!

    I don’t know about your kids, but my kids are so fun to be with 🙂 They can say the cutest things without even trying. Sometimes even the little things that they get upset about can bring a smile to my face, because it often highlights their innocence, which is the part of them that I just want to hold onto forever. Even watching my kids break out into a random dance or song, melts my heart❤️ I have to be real, though, and acknowledge that they can also bring on stress. If you’re like me, though, you probably have days when you just don’t feel like smiling. I mean,…

  • Faith,  Self-Care

    12 Encouraging Bible Verses For Hard Times

    Why do we need encouraging Bible verses for hard times? Simply put, it’s because this life is hard! Life can be beautiful, fulfilling, and exciting. But it is also HARD. In order to survive without fully losing my head, I have learned to lean on encouraging Bible verses for hard times, in order to help me navigate through this crazy world that we live in. As infants, all we need is sustenance and nurturance. Our basics needs are our main priority. We progress through childhood and adolescence, which has its on challenges, but this season of life fortunately includes lots of fun and exploration. Then we become adults…whether we’re ready…

  • Self-Care

    7 Self-Love Activities Every Mom Needs In Her Life!

    The Importance of Self-Love For Moms “Self-Love” is a popular term that we all hear on social media, on T.V., or in our day-to-day lives. But what is self-love, and why should you incorporate a self-love activity into your routine. Well, I decided to go on good-ole Webster’s Dictionary for the official meaning! On the Merriam-Webster (huh… I never knew the full name, lol) website, self-love is defined as: “an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue” and “proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness or well-being.” Furthermore the Bible reminds us that: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that…

  • woman in white t-shirt standing beside woman in black and white stripe shirt

    Try These Practices for A More BALANCED Mom Life

    Sometimes we need to make changes to our routine, in order to have a more balanced mom life! I don’t know about you but sometimes I have felt life completely and absolutely stuck. Being a mom, is A LOT of work. Period. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my kids so much. I mean, they are so freaking cute, funny, and they help me to remember that there is still innocence and beauty in this world. But they are also completely self-absorbed and pretty needy! You gotta love them though! Part of maintaining a household, is to develop and be consistent with a routine or even a set of…

  • Multitasking Mom
    Faith,  Self-Care

    Perspective: What lens are you using to view your life?

    What Lens Are You Using To View Your Life? I used to feel that I was working towards some all encompassing life goal that would meet all my needs. The “happily ever after” stage of life.  Once I finished school, my failures would be erased. Once I got the perfect job, then all my financial problems would go away. I think I’m the only teenager that couldn’t look forward to retirement. I mean, I really did. Who thinks that way?! I honestly felt that retirement equated to  peace, complete attainment of all of my life goals, and total happiness. It’s so easy to focus on a future possibility of peace…

  • Mom Life,  Self-Care

    Achieving Peace In Your Life: Even When Life Sucks

    You know how children get asked from a very young age, ” What do you want to be when you grow up?” For some odd reason, we expect these little, adorable people to have their lives planned out by age 7. Kids put up with adults and come up with a profession that they think sounds fun or cute, probably so that we can leave them alone lol. Seriously though…who came up with this question for kids??? 🤔 Well, I don’t know about you but my ultimate dream has always been to achieve “peace.” I wasn’t always sure of what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I knew…