Faith,  Self-Care

Perspective: What lens are you using to view your life?

Multitasking Mom

What Lens Are You Using To View Your Life?

I used to feel that I was working towards some all encompassing life goal that would meet all my needs. The “happily ever after” stage of life.  Once I finished school, my failures would be erased. Once I got the perfect job, then all my financial problems would go away. I think I’m the only teenager that couldn’t look forward to retirement. I mean, I really did. Who thinks that way?! I honestly felt that retirement equated to  peace, complete attainment of all of my life goals, and total happiness. It’s so easy to focus on a future possibility of peace of instead of blessings right in front of me.

Today’s view seems dreary, stressful and overwhelming. Today’s view is through a tunnel vision that observes sink full of dishes, list of calls to make, cranky toddler, bickering with husband, and staggering bills. Is it possible though to adjust my lenses? Is it possible to also notice the fridge and pantry filled with food, that led to the dishes, or the breath coming out of the toddler who fought to survive a severely premature birth, or appreciate the job that may sometimes stress my husband who works hard to provide for his family, or the beautiful home we were finally able to buy that is connected to the annoying bills. I don’t want to complain, whine or be selfish Lord. I want to appreciate my blessings and lessons.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 ESV

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen

This was a “proud mama” week, as my mother-in-law called it! Yesterday I went to 3 report card meetings for my boys, and all the teachers loved them. Then this morning my daughter’s school had the Honors Breakfast for all of the honor roll students and their families. (It was at 8am but who needs sleep!) I also took the kids to basketball, swim lessons, and work for my teenager. Sooooo, I’m a proud and VERY tired mom. I also cooked every day this week. The food was really good by the way. (Side note: ever have a week when every meal turns out delicious? Yeah, this was that week for me)

Today though, I am freaking exhausted. I feel like a zombie and it’s not cute. Guess what’s for dinner tonight? Mac and cheese! Even though I love cooking, I woke up dreading the thought of being on my feet to make another meal because I am. So. Freaking. Exhausted. Then I thought to myself, “Why are you doing this to yourself??” I can be a good mom, who doesn’t drown herself in the process of raising her kids. So mac and cheese tonight. Five course meal tomorrow! Just kidding. Two course meal… hehehehe

Take care!


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