About Me!

Val @ La Vie in Progress
Val @ La Vie in Progress

Learn More About Me 😊

Hey There!

I’m Val and this is my blog, La Vie in Progress. “La Vie” is French for “Life.” And so, my blog name essentially means Life in Progress! As a Haitian-American, I wanted to reflect both sides of my upbringing in my blog name.

I’m Christian and my faith in God shapes who I am as a person. This includes treating people with respect and kindness, regardless of what their faith or background is.

I have a BIG blended family, with 6 kids between my husband and I. We have a full and busy life! It was a necessity for me to develop new strategies to take care of my home, my children and my spirit.

I rely heavily on my faith in God to get me through the stressful days and to show me how to appreciate the beauty within my crazy large family!

My Vision

I created, La Vie in Progress, to help moms with overcoming challenges related to mom-life, goal setting, productivity, and overcoming self-doubts that we often face as moms. I also hope to use my experience as a therapist to support moms with learning about healthy coping skills to manage everyday life stressors. 

Although I am a licensed mental health counselor, this blog will NOT constitute as treatment in any form. I created this blog, as a mom, wanting to support other women through my overall life experiences. I’m also in need of learning new tips and tricks myself!


PLEASE share your feedback, and tried and true strategies with the fabulous moms in this community! Be mindful though, that what worked for your family, may not work for others. Also, strategies that didn’t work for your family, may work like a miracle for others. Life is funny like that.

I feel BLESSED in many ways. For me, part of appreciating my blessings is to also accept and be able to share about the challenges. In this space, I’ll share some experiences, resources/tips, and test out a few mom/wife survival strategies for us to hopefully discuss.


  1. I am 1st generation American, born to incredible Haitian parents
  2. Cooking delicious food, is kinda my thing
  3. I pride myself on being different from the “norm” and on being unique
  4. Coloring has always been relaxing for me
  5. I LOVE art museums
  6. I’ve made many mistakes in my life, but I try to do better and be better everyday
  7. I have to listen to music while driving…and cooking…and writing. I am obsessed with music lol
  8. I’m comfortable talking to just about everyone
  9. I need to sprinkle cayenne pepper on just about everything I eat. Spice is Life!
  10. I have been a single mom, a divorced mom, and now I’m a re-married mom with a blended family

Let’s connect!

Feel free to share! What are some interesting facts about you?


β€œThink like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”

~Oprah Winfrey