• Faith,  Self-Care

    12 Encouraging Bible Verses For Hard Times

    Why do we need encouraging Bible verses for hard times? Simply put, it’s because this life is hard! Life can be beautiful, fulfilling, and exciting. But it is also HARD. In order to survive without fully losing my head, I have learned to lean on encouraging Bible verses for hard times, in order to help me navigate through this crazy world that we live in. As infants, all we need is sustenance and nurturance. Our basics needs are our main priority. We progress through childhood and adolescence, which has its on challenges, but this season of life fortunately includes lots of fun and exploration. Then we become adults…whether we’re ready…

  • Self-Care

    7 Self-Love Activities Every Mom Needs In Her Life!

    The Importance of Self-Love For Moms “Self-Love” is a popular term that we all hear on social media, on T.V., or in our day-to-day lives. But what is self-love, and why should you incorporate a self-love activity into your routine. Well, I decided to go on good-ole Webster’s Dictionary for the official meaning! On the Merriam-Webster (huh… I never knew the full name, lol) website, self-love is defined as: “an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue” and “proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness or well-being.” Furthermore the Bible reminds us that: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that…